Pupils will be supported in Key Stage 4 to begin to follow a curriculum that is linked to their areas of interest. This will be guided by contributions and planning for the annual review process which will build on the Careers Education that pupils have received and the advice and guidance that takes place using a range of experiences and opportunities to support pupils with their decision making. Their curriculum will be guided by their future aspirations and allows them, where applicable, to explore vocational pathways. For pupils working within curriculum exposure they will explore their role within the local community, further develop their skills in making choices and showing preferences and they will continue to develop their understanding of the world around them.
Multi-sensory learning remains integral to the curriculum to ensure engagement and progress for all pupils.
Learning in English and Maths continues through thematic learning with accreditation embedded for pupils where this is relevant. All pupils have opportunities to apply their learning to real life situations. Enabling pupils to develop a strong sense of self, understanding how to express this and dealing with relationships is an integral part of learning for pupils as they mature.
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Our long term plan provides an overview of the themes that will be used to deliver learning.
- Key Stage 4 Long Term Plan
Pupils within Key Stage 4 will have a broad learning profile. They will be in mixed class groups but will stream for identified areas of the curriculum including English and Maths. All pupils will have the same curriculum opportunities but their learning will be focused on curriculum exposure (pre subject specific learning) or curriculum knowledge (subject specific learning).
Knowledge organisers are used to create ‘The Big Ideas’ for learning – concrete experiences that will support pupils to develop their skills for learning and subject specific knowledge. They also identify the language that will be used to support learning (at a group level). We use the routes of learning (learning sequence) to make sure that the skills for learning are embedded before moving on to the next steps.
Key Stage 4 long term plan