
Cleveland House is a resource provision for students aged 11-19 with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The purpose of our provision is to ensure students fulfil their potential by being able to access a broad and balanced curriculum designed to meet their individual needs.

Cleveland House, which is part of the Dorothy Goodman School, is a resource provision catering specifically to pupils aged 11-19 with an ASC diagnosis.


Our Expertise

The lead, Jo Keatley has over 12 years of experience in working within ASC provisions. She is also a qualified trainer for National Autistic Society (NAS).

Cleveland House is based within a mainstream secondary school. The provision is organised so that specific needs can be met as well as supporting pupils to learn within mainstream lessons for some subjects. The base uses a variety of structural and visual strategies to support learning, including social stories, SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transitional Support), and social safety. They also access our co-authored OT and Speech and Language Therapy social communication curriculum.