- We value every pupil and the contribution they can make.
We ensure they have a voice and feel listened to. - We teach individuals.
Every young person has a tailored approach to their learning and our teaching reflects current research and best practice. - We challenge our young people.
We have high expectations and recognise that their needs will change at different times therefore we remain flexible to adjust their curriculum and our teaching. - We nurture every pupil.
We strive to understand each young person and help them to get to know themselves and develop in all aspects of their life. - We use a holistic approach
By using a multi-professional team and specifically teaching social communication skills and emotional regulation strategies, we will help prepare our young people for independent futures.

Our vision
Before you go on to explore more about The Fusion Academy, you’ll want to know what’s important to us at the school:

We value every pupil and the contribution they can make.

Who is The Fusion Academy for?
The Fusion Academy is for young people with autism and/ or communication and interaction needs who do not have a learning disability.
To come to The Fusion Academy, students must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that states communication and interaction and/ or autism as their primary area of need.
The Fusion Academy is not set up for young people with cognition and learning needs. It is designed for young people who, despite their difficulties around communication and interaction, have the potential to learn at an age appropriate level and will be looking to access qualifications and potential employment in the future.
What do we do at The Fusion Academy?
The Fusion Academy merges the skills, expertise and understanding of a highly specialist provision with the breadth and opportunities available in a mainstream school. This union allows our students to have the best possible chance at reaching their academic goals in an environment where they feel safe, understood and listened to, in addition to having their wider needs met.
Class sizes are small (no more than 8-10 in a class), allowing students to get the focussed attention they need.
Student wellbeing is of paramount importance at The Fusion Academy. Our school environment is accommodating for young people with autism and/ or sensory needs and a multi-disciplinary team, including a range of therapy professionals, work together to support all areas of student need.
Young people are also be taught strategies to help manage their emotions (such as anxiety and anger) and to develop their independence skills.
Everyone around each young person works collaboratively to ensure they have every opportunity to meet their full potential.

School curriculum
Each student has their own curriculum path, encompassing the academic curriculum, the personal curriculum and curriculum choices. At Key Stage 4 onwards students will have access to a range of qualifications, to suit their needs. It is expected that the majority of our students will sit GCSEs in a small number of subjects but lower level qualifications will also be available.
Applications for The Fusion Academy
If you would like your child to come to The Fusion Academy, you will need to speak to the Leicestershire SEN Assessment Service (SENA).
If you have any further questions, please email office@thefusionacademy.co.uk, leaving your name and phone number, and someone will get back to you.
You can also call us on 01455 243689.
We are a growing school and will have an increasing number of of spaces over the next few years. These spaces will be in Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and in the future 5 (ages 7-19).
School tours
If you would like to make an appointment to look around our new site, please contact the school office on 01455 243 689 or office@thefusionacademy.co.uk
You can take a look at the school characteristics here

Our Pets
We have three beautiful guinea pigs – Twix, Caramel and Oreo. The guinea pigs have their own room at school and are very gentle and loving.
The ‘Guinea Pig Room’ is a lovely calm space where students can go if they are feeling unsettled or anxious. The guinea pigs are always ready to give students a cuddle and stroking them can be very calming.
The guinea pig room allows some students to take on additional responsibilities and learn about how to care for small animals. Playing with the guinea pigs is also a very engaging treat for students who have finished their work and earned some reward time.
We also have a tortoise named Elphie.