Parent support
Working in partnership with families is very important to us and two way communication is key to this success.
Parent Support
Working in partnership with families is very important to us and two way communication is key to this success. We use home school diaries or email communication to ensure families are informed of the day to day experiences and achievements of your child. We welcome information coming back to us about things your child has done at home so these can also be celebrated.
We work together with families and our multidisciplinary team to ensure the best possible provision for your child and we will work with you to share your ideas and ours about the way forward. Our engagement team has staff who focus on pastoral support for children, young people and their families as well as meeting health needs. We also have staff who focus on helping children and young people to engage and develop communication skills.
We offer programmes of work around particular topics for example ‘Growing up and puberty’ or learning how to establish useful routines at home and school. In these programmes we will work over a number of weeks with families to support your child. We hold annual moving on events which support families in looking at the next steps for their child and what may be on offer as they grow older or come to a time when they will soon leave school.
We also encourage parents to meet each other informally when we are not under lockdown restrictions and we hope this helps to identify areas of mutual support and also a chance for a few people to work together.
SENDIAS support children and young people with special education needs or disabilities (SEND) and their parents in Leicestershire (excluding Leicester city covered by SENDIASS Leicester).