Leadership team
We have an Executive Headteacher, two Co-Heads of School and a lead for pastoral support. We are also part of Open Thinking Partnership. The CEO within this trust is Janet Thompson.
Executive Headteacher
Co-Head of School
Co-Head of School
A message from Kelly Dryden, Executive Headteacher
Welcome to The Fusion Academy a small, specialised provision for children and young people with communication and interaction needs.
The Fusion Academy is about providing high quality outcomes in education and social communication for the pupils within the school community. At the heart of this is self-advocacy, working collectively with Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy to build a programme that is tailored to support pupils to achieve individual success and prepare them for their future lives. The pupils at The Fusion Academy are working towards educational outcomes in line with their age group which in the secondary phase includes GCSEs and other accredited learning. The curriculum on offer is carefully crafted to provide a balance of opportunities to ensure that personal and academic growth are priorities and that the balance offered meets the needs and interests of the individual. As a newly established school our Key Stage 4 curriculum is just developing and full access for all pupils will be in place from August 2023. Pupils may at times complete academic learning outside of their key stage. This is when social communication is prioritised and is often based upon when pupils join the school.
Learning is offered in bespoke classes, supported by experienced staff. To enable social communication development access to the national curriculum is adjusted and the school work with pupils and families to prioritise academic learning in line with pupil and family aspirations.
A message from Tunde Read & Katie Noon, Co-Head of School
You all play a key part in enabling the pupils to feel valued, to allow them to explore and be curious and become self aware to enable the young people to achieve their ambitious outcomes. We are very proud and honoured to be leading this vision and work with such an amazing team of people.
We work in a diverse world and Fusion academy is a stepping stone on that journey into this world. We promote and celebrate the diversity of the pupils and you will join us in ensuring the curriculum is the starting point for all learning. You will help in making the curriculum flexible and focused on life long learning and support the young people in their own personal journey. In turn we will support you with your training and coaching needs as we as adults also have a journey to take.
Let’s all learn together and build a school based on the values we have set…
Feel Valued
Be Curious
Feel Self Assured
Be Ambitious