To help you to achieve your dreams and access the right future for you we want to make sure you have:
- Had some experience of the workplace
- Had lessons and support about moving to college
- Had the opportunity to develop key skills in different environments
- Had the opportunity to engage with local employers and employees
- Had the opportunity to participate in the careers lessons
You will be able to do all of this through your lessons and through working with the Careers Adviser and staff at school.
- Write and edit a CV
- Practice your interview skills
- Help you to research your options
- Help you to organise work experience if you want
So that you can access as much of the support as possible we ask that:
- You arrive on time with a good attitude to learning
- You join in on activities
- You attend your careers appointment
- You are honest about how you feel and what you want to do in the future
Links to Local FE Colleges
Open Days
Every college and sixth form is different. They each have a different environment, different courses and different enrichment activities. This is brilliant as we are all different too and it means that there is usually something for everyone. So that you can see the colleges and get a feel of them we always suggest you have a look around on an open day. If there is no date listed or you have missed the open day contact the provisions directly to arrange a private campus tour or to find out additional dates.
Colleges often offer a wide range of courses from supported / foundation learning to T- Levels and BTEC’s, Vocational Courses and A levels in a vast array of subjects:
- Leicester College
- Brooksby Melton College
- Loughborough College
- Stephenson College
- Gateway College
Sixth Form Colleges
Sixth Form colleges are stand alone colleges that are just for 6th form students. They tend to offer a range of courses at level 3:
- Beauchamp City Sixth Form
Specialist Provisions
There is a range of specialist colleges in Leicestershire that offer courses for students with SEND and SEMH needs:
- SENSE College
- Homefield College
- Leicester College
Alternative Provisions
Alternative provisions are often smaller sites that offer lower level courses and are there for students who cannot attend a large mainstream college:
- Fields & Farms
- T.E.C.K
- WHM Work Connections
- eNstruct
- Baby People
- D&H Community Support Services
Local Labour market information
It is so important when it comes to looking for a career that we look at what the labour market (local jobs) looks like. You can find out up to date information on the world of work in your local community on the following websites: and https://llep.org.uk/wow/ or https://llep.yourfutures.uk
You can also find information on apprenticeship vacancies on https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship.
You can find local jobs on https://uk.indeed.com/