Uniform and what to wear

Please see below for the uniform requirements for The Fusion Academy.


Please click below for further details of our school uniform



There is a school uniform which we like our pupils to wear and we ask for parents’ co-operation in this, although the uniform is not compulsory. You can buy official school uniform at: 

Hole in the Wall’ or at Hole in the Wall, Hinckley. From February 2024, Hole in the Wall will be branded as Learn In Style.

School Uniform

  • Grey or white polo T-shirt (available with school logo)
  • Grey jumper/sweatshirt, cardigan or zipped hoody (available with school logo)
  • Black or dark grey trousers (smart joggers allowed for students with sensory needs)
  • Dark shoes or dark, smart trainers
  • Black or dark grey shorts/knee length skirts can be worn in summer
  • PE – round neck T-shirt (grey or white) with dark sports trousers/shorts and suitable trainers for physical activity. A sweatshirt for cold weather (in school colours where possible).