The primary site at Stoke Road is a purpose built facility for pupils aged between 4 and 11.
There are eight classes within this site, four EYFS/KS1 classes and four Key Stage 2 classes.
Our staff are all trained to work with pupils with a wide range of learning needs as well as sensory and physical needs, medical needs and using approaches suitable for pupils with a diagnosis of autism.
The site has many facilities which enhance learning for our pupils and which enable us to provide for a wide range of needs.
Sensory Room
This room is used to help pupils learn to respond and react to different stimuli. We use it to teach cause and effect and how to use switches to make things happen. The room can be used to set up different environments and different levels of control. It is a great facility for developing pupils’ communication. We also use it to create environments which act as a stimulus for imagination and for some pupils this is a great motivator for story writing.
Soft play Room
This room is used to help many pupils develop their motor coordination. It contains all kinds of modules, including a sound and light tunnel, which is a great favourite. Softplay can also be used for intensive interaction work which benefits many of our pupils in developing communication skills. Our Occupational Therapist plans programmes to meet the needs of individuals so that this room is great fun but purposeful as well.
Individual Work Rooms
All classes have their own individual work room which can be used to provide quiet focused learning for individuals or small groups, alternatively they are sometimes used to create sensory learning environments based upon the theme of the class work.
Medical Room
This is available to pupils as required and ensures we have a safe pace for undertaking any health procedures pupils need as part of their provision. The room is managed by Engagement and Intervention team members who have a specialism in the healthcare of our pupils.
Hydrotherapy Pool
An excellent facility, available to all pupils of the school who need access to it to maintain or improve their physical skills. The warm water environment enables pupils to relax and develop their physical skills and body awareness. It also has a sound and light switch system which can change the whole atmosphere and enable learning of physical skills alongside communication and sensory development.
Music Pod
Used both for group Music Lessons and for individual Music interaction or intervention. This is a very popular facility with great acoustics. We have our own staff skilled in music teaching as well as using music for communication. We also work with a qualified music therapist who offers individual sessions as well as working with individual instrumental teachers.
Group Rooms
Two medium sized rooms are available providing additional space for classes when it is helpful to split the group learning activities. Another room known as the sparkle room is also set up to enable access to large scale messy sensory activities.
Equipped with a full range of books – fiction, non-fiction and other reading materials. It is a room ideal for story telling where the love of stories and books can be developed.
Refocus Room
A small room used by individuals or small groups focusing on learning about feelings and emotions. It is also used for lego clubs.
Cookery Room
Specialist cookery area. This is a primary accessible kitchen area where pupils learn basic skills of food preparation and learn how to stay safe in a kitchen.
We have a large school hall which enables us to provide indoor physical education as well as daily sensory circuits. This room is also used at lunchtimes for pupils to learn eating and social skills. We have quieter environments available for pupils at lunchtime as well if they need this to help them focus on eating.
Outside areas
These areas provide great opportunities for physical, social and academic learning. The outside areas are divided between EYFS /Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. In EYFS/KS1 there are three main areas. Two which are accessible throughout every day and which have suitably exciting and multi sensory environments on offer with aspects which change to support class themed learning. They have a separate area (under development currently) which will provide a different space for longer break times for example at lunch time. Key Stage 2 have an area accessible throughout the day to supplement class learning. This is accessible from all classrooms. In addition they have an area which includes a trim trail, basket swing, outdoor classroom, ball court (often used as a scooter rink) and an allotment.
School minibus
We have access to school minibuses so that we can enhance the curriculum on offer by accessing facilities such as the local woodland areas for forest schools, local leisure centre for swimming and other local community facilities.