Pupil progress
We have high aspirations for all of our pupils and offer a curriculum that supports them to be successful at a range of levels.
Success of our pupils
As we are a special school for pupils with learning difficulties, other than those who attend Cleveland House, we recognise that our pupils will not be reaching the expected standards across the curriculum for their chronological age.
We place the emphasis on individual learning journeys and overall progress is best represented by the percentage of pupils achieving challenging targets. These are measured from their very different starting points. For some pupils successfully learning to communicate a choice between two things is great progress, while for others gaining GCSE qualifications is an equivalent success. All of these achievements are as important as each other.
Targets are set by benchmarking their achievements with other pupils who have similar starting points. The proportion who achieve these targets within core subjects is high linked to pupils learning relevant skills linked to their starting points.
Our broad curriculum offer at Dorothy Goodman School continue to support all pupils to make excellent progress.
When organising access to the curriculum and analysing their progress we group our pupils into four bands. The bands cover all our age groups:
- Life choices are pupils currently working at pre subject specific standards
- Like skills are pupils who are currently achieving equivalent standards to those expected at Pre Key Stage 1
- Vocational pupils are currently achieving equivalent standards to those expected at Key Stage 1 and above
- Academic pupils are working just below expected standards at Key Stage 2 and above.
The subject areas assessed within our school system are broken down as follows:
- Life choices (only followed by our Choices band)
- Communication (including literacy and English)
- Logic (including numeracy and maths)
- Inquiry (including science and humanities)
- Creativity (including art, music, drama)
- Physical
- Personal and Social Development.
Assessing pupils (excluding Cleveland House)
We use the Trunks of Learning to identify the level of mastery that a pupil is developing. There are six trunks:
Pre subject specific learning:
- Explore
- Foundation
- Core
Subject specific learning:
- Application
- Enrichment
- Accomplished
All pupils within this framework are working below the expected standards for Key Stage 2.
Pupils are assessed using the Engagement Model for those working within Explore and Foundation moving to subject specific assessments for Core, Application, Enrichment and Accomplished which are about developing their skills within milestones in English, Maths, PSHE and Inquiry (Science).
Nearly all (93.4%) of pupils were making positive progress towards achieving and exceeding their targets within priority areas. This demonstrated that outstanding progress has been maintained. Pupils who were eligible for pupil premium also demonstrated outstanding progress with 92.2% of pupils making positive progress towards achieving or exceeding their targets.
The school has 13 looked after children – all of these pupils made positive progress towards achieving and exceeding their targets.
There were 23 pupils from Dorothy Goodman School (excluding Cleveland House) who moved on from the school this year. 19 pupils have gone on to study at five different colleges. The range of courses accessed include Engineering, Foundation Learning and Animal Care / Land Based Studies. 2 pupils have gone on to access provision through social care providers. 1 pupil is currently seeking employment and 1 pupil has not yet been allocated provision.
Dorothy Goodman School – Cleveland House Satellite had 3 leavers who progressed to university level study.
Breakdown by Key Stage
Please click on the Key Stage below for the breakdown of pupil progress
EYFS – All pupils within EYFS made excellent progress last year. This was clearly identified within the communication strand where with support from specialist services and the targeted interventions from teachers and support staff enabled all pupils to make excellent progress within this area of learning.
There were no pupils within the school who could access the assessment for the reception baseline.
Key Stage 1: (Ages 5 – 7)
Key Stage 1 – All pupils made progress towards their identified priorities last year with nearly all pupils (80.6%) making excellent progress towards their identified targets.
Key Stage 2: (Ages 7 – 11)
Key Stage 2 – Nearly all pupils (91.8%) made excellent progress towards their targets last year. For a small number of pupils their absence linked to complex health needs impacted on their overall progress.
Key Stage 3: (ages 11 – 14)
Key Stage 3 – Nearly all pupils (94.9%) made excellent progress towards their targets last year. There were a very small number of pupils who struggled to return to school after the Covid lockdown period support was provided to the pupils and their families.
Key Stage 4: (ages 14 – 16)
Key Stage 4 – 87% of pupils made excellent progress towards their targets last year. This group of pupils were impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic as there had not been the ability to develop their resilience for the expected learning linked to accreditation. All of the pupils who have needed support to develop their progress have plans in place so that they can continue to develop their learning at accredited levels during their post 16 phase of education.
Key Stage 5: (ages 16 – 19)
Key Stage 5 – Nearly all pupils (91.7%) made excellent progress towards their targets last year. Some pupils were less successful due to their levels of attendance. Schools worked closely with families to put in place strategies to support increasing attendance (this was linked to 2 identified pupils).
Dorothy Goodman School offers a range of accreditation; some of this is delivered with support from The Hinckley School who host both a cognition and learning and communication and interaction satellite on their site. We are aspirational for all pupils and provide opportunities for them to develop their resilience to the expectations of external accreditation. The results for last academic year are below:
Dorothy Goodman School – main school and Hinckley School Cognition & Learning provision
- 31 pupils achieved Maths accreditation Entry Level 1 to Functional Skills Level 2 and GCSE
- 24 pupils achieved English accreditation Entry Level 1 to Functional Skills Level 2 and GCSE
- 2 pupils achieved Science GCSE
- 1 pupil achieved History GCSE
- 32 pupils achieved Art Award at Discover level
- 21 pupils are awaiting their results for BTEC Award in Work Skills Entry Level 1 to Level 2
- 11 pupils achieved the Sports Leadership Award Level 1 and Level 2
- 19 pupils are awaiting Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award
- 34 pupils are awaiting OCR Life and Living Skills unit accreditation Entry Level 1 to Entry Level 3
Dorothy Goodman School – Hinckley School Communication and Interaction provision – Cleveland House
- 3 pupils sat 8 A Level qualifications – all pupils achieved or exceeded their targets – these pupils have moved to higher level study
- 3 pupils sat 17 GCSEs with all pupils sitting the core English, Maths and Science (double award) – 1 pupil has progressed to A Level study, 1 pupil is accessing level 1 college with school support and 1 pupil is currently deciding what they would like their next steps to be
- 12 GCSEs were achieved at a standard pass or higher
- 5 GCSES were achieved at below a standard pass (in line with the pupils trajectory)
- 1 pupil achieved in line with target grades, 2 pupils achieved below their target grade (the resilience of these pupils was significantly impacted by Covid 19
Unfortunately due to Covid 19 our work based internships did not run over the last academic year.