Engagement & Intervention Team
Our Engagement and Intervention team provide additional support for individuals and groups when this is required.
They help with young people’s health needs, or support them to further develop their communication skills. They provide extra support for our young people who struggle with their emotions or those who find engaging with learning difficult. The team also offer opportunities for personal development, pastoral and bereavement support when this is required.
The team are very keen to work with families and they provide opportunities for parents to meet about specific topics.
They work closely with class staff as part of our multidisciplinary team.

Intervention Team

Pupil Advocacy & Transitions Team
Dorothy Goodman School places pupil advocacy at the heart of its work with nurture and respect leading to increased independence for our children and young people. This teams role is to empower pupils, their families and practitioners to challenge the status quo ensuring that pupil’s reach exceptional outcomes academically, personally and socially.